General Notes
In class training. Attendance is required at all sessions.
On the job (OJT) training is required.
Participants must pass a written test and will be coached to the maximum of their abilities.
Due to government regulations B.E.S.T. syllabus cannot be reduced. More in-depth training about certain subject is possible on request.
B.E.S.T. interviewing Techniques can be adjusted to other industries on demand.

Program information
B.E.S.T. Initial training highlights the threat to aviation, how to detect suspicious behaviour and how to deal with different types of people. We use suspicious indicators to have focus points and combine them with behavioural questioning techniques.

This course will employ lecture, discussion and analysis. The course will have extensive use of case studies, image, role plays, PowerPoint slides and groupwork sessions.
The powers of B.E.S.T. (Behaviour Enhanced Screening Techniques):
- Unpredictable system
- Learn focus points
- Improve social skills
- Develop customer service qualities
- Professional guidance by experienced instructors
- Approved by several government regulators